Care&Community Post COVID 19 Brand 1.png

How to get started…

How to get started.
There are many ways to interpret the theme, what inspires you draw it, or simply use the letters CARE and COMMUNITY to make something creative.

You don’t need anything special to be involved nor do you need to have any artistic talent.
There are so many ways you could create, make, tell and share.

Here are some ideas:
Drawing on paper with textas, pencils, paint, crayons.
Decorate on the footpath/pavers with chalk.
Make letters with found objects ie. Leaves, sticks or petals.
Write on a whiteboard.
Design it on the computer.
Make a video or animate using your device.
Write a poem or sing a song.
Make the letters
C A R E out of play-dough.
Anything goes... be your best creative.

The project opens
7 May 2020 and closes on 7 June 2020.

What and How do you submit?

You can share your creations with us via:


Facebook @Cultivator_Inc           

Large files send via

Tag us on social media with

#CareAndCommunity or @Cultivator_Inc in your post.

Further information.